Emergency situation for a facility and its operations may be described as a hazardous situation which requires action to control, correct and return the site to a safe condition and also requires timely action to protect people, property and the environment from harm.
 Examples of types of emergencies are:
    - fire (including generation of toxic combustion products)
   - explosion (including BLEVE)
   - spill (of hazardous solids & liquids)
   - gas leak (flammable, toxic, asphyxiant, pressurized or refrigerated liquid)
   - structural failure
   - natural event (including earth quake, storms, tides etc)
   - Products impact events (road vehicles, railways, aircraft, ships ), eg: release of gases/hazardous
substances due to impact/collision of vehicles on the storage facility or during transport of such substances
   - subversive activities (bomb threat, vandalism, sabotage)

Industrial disasters are disasters caused by chemical mechanical, civil, electrical or other processes failures due to an accident, negligence or in competence in an industrial plant which may spill over to the areas outside the plant or within causing damage to life property & environment
Chemical Disasters are occurrence of emission, fire or explosion involving one or more hazardous chemicals in the course of industrial activity (handling) storage or transportation or due to the natural events leading to serious effects inside or outside the installation likely to cause loss of life & property including adverse effect on the environment
A chemical accident or emergency refers to an event which r results in the release of a substance hazardous to human health and /or the environment, i.e. short term or long term. These events can cause illness, injury, disability or death to human beings, often in large numbers & can result in the extensive damage to the environment with considerable human & economic costs

Accidents in storage facilities handling large and various quantities of chemicals
Disaster/explosion in a plant handling or producing toxic substances
Accidents during transportation of chemicals from one site to another
Improper waste management such as uncontrolled dumping of toxic chemicals, failure in waste management systems or accident sin waste water treatment plants
Technological system failures
Failures of plant safety design or plant components
Natural hazards
Human error
