Lifting Heavy Loads

“Your body is your first working tool”, and you have only ONE back.

Lifting Heavy Loads: being careful is our responsibility!

Talk to your supervisor and manager
-           Discuss correct posture at your work place with your doctor.
-           If you feel any pain that might be work related, ask to visit the company doctor.

Prevent injuries by adopting good lifting practices!

1. Plan the lifting
-          Where am I going?
-          What am I lifting?
-          What are the options?
-          Are there any aids available?
-          Do I need help?
-          Do I need to remove any obstructions?

2. Wear proper footwear
 -   Am I wearing suitable footwear for the task?
 -   Place your feet apart to give you a good balanced posture.
 -   Place the leading foot so it is positioned slightly forward in the direction of travel.

3. Keep the correct posture
 -   Keep the spine in its normal alignment.
 -   Bend from the knees but do not over flex them.
 -   Keep shoulders and knees in normal alignment.
 -   Keep the shoulders level.

4. How to grip?
 -   Ensure the grip is secure.
 -   Are there suitable handholds?
 -   Is the load likely to slip?
 -   Keep arms within the boudary of the body.

5. How to lift?
 -   Keep relaxed.
 -   The upward movement starts with the head.
 -   Use the power of the legs.
 -   Keep the load close to the body.
 -   Keep the heaviest part towards you.
 -   If you need to turn, move the feet, don’t twist the body.
 -   Put the load down and adjust it if necessary.
