Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004

Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004

Clauses 14001:2015
Corresponding Clause
What’s new?
(Give some examples)
Documented Information Required
Impact on auditing



This is a completely new requirement; the organization will need to determine the external and internal context that affects the organization.
This new concept relates to the factors and conditions affecting organizational operation e.g. regulation, governance and environmental conditions.

Interested parties are introduced in the new version of the standard. The previous version was focused on the organization.
Environmental conditions are the elements of the environment which can be affected by the organization (air quality, water quality, land use, etc.), or those which can affect the organization (climate change, existing land contamination, etc.). Consideration should be given to who the interested parties might be and what their relevant interests might be, e.g. employees, neighbors, customers, shareholders, board members, competitors, regulators, etc.
The requirement is the same, only explained in more detail, with the additional request that the scope should be available to interested parties.
Scope of the EMS
The needs and expectations of interested parties can become compliance obligations. It is no longer permissible to exclude activities, products and services from the scope of the environmental management system which can have significant environmental aspects.
The requirements from the previous version remain; the new requirement is to consider the organization’s context during implementation and maintaining the environmental management system (EMS). Achieving intended outcomes is now emphasized as a reason for establishing the EMS
Consideration needs to be given to a number of specified factors when establishing the scope of the EMS. The scope now needs to be available to interested parties. Consideration needs to be given to the knowledge referenced in clause 4.1 on the context of the organization when establishing and maintaining the environmental management system.



This clause is new; the top management must demonstrate commitment to the EMS through taking accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS, establishing policies, objectives, promotion of continual improvement, etc.
Top management of the organization are now required to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the EMS in a number of specified ways.
The requirements remain the same.
EMS Policy
The policy commitment to the prevention of pollution has been replaced by the need for an overarching policy commitment to the protection of the environment. This is to include the prevention of pollution and other issues (such as sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaption, etc.).
The new clause has the same requirements regarding roles, responsibilities, and authorities; resources are now divided as a separate clause.
There is no longer a need for a management representative(s), however the roles, responsibilities and authorities previously assigned to them still need to be assigned within the organization.


These are completely new requirements. When planning the EMS, the organization will need to consider external and internal issues along with needs and expectations of interested parties
Consideration needs to be given to identified internal and external issues (4.1) and the needs and expectations of interested parties (4.2).

These are completely new requirements. When planning the EMS, the organization will need to consider external and internal issues along with needs and expectations of interested parties
General documented process to meet requirements of
 6.1 - Information to the extent necessary to have
 confidence that the processes have been carried out as
Consideration needs to be given to identified internal and external issues (4.1) and the needs and expectations of interested parties (4.2).
The new clause has the same requirements, and includes some new ones in consideration of abnormal and potential emergency situations; also, the criteria used for determining significant aspects is now explicitly required to be documented.
Need to have documented information on:
• criteria used to determine its significant
environmental aspects;
• environmental aspects and associated environmental
• significant environmental aspects.
The identification of aspects and impacts now needs to consider a life cycle perspective. It has now been made explicit that this shall also take into account abnormal and emergency situations.
The requirements remain the same in the new version. Compliance obligations must be taken into account when planning the EMS.
Documented information of compliance obligations
Compliance obligations’ is the new term for ‘legal and other’ requirements – this gives equal weighting to non-legislative mandatory obligations and voluntary obligations as legal requirements. Documented information on compliance obligations must be maintained.

The organization will have to plan actions to address the environmental aspects and compliance obligations, as well as determined risks related to threats and opportunities and evaluate their effectiveness.
Documented information of risk associated with threats
 and opportunities that needs to be addressed
This is a new concept which requires the identification of the risk (defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) associated with threats and opportunities that need to be addressed, whilst maintaining documented information on these.

The requirements remain the same, but are further elaborated in the new version.
Documented information on environmental objectives
The term ‘targets’ is no longer used, however the requirements for what would be known as targets are included in clause 6.2.2. When setting objectives consideration now needs to be given to the risk associated with threats and opportunities. The standard no longer includes a specific need to consider the views of interested parties when establishing objectives and targets, however these will still be covered if any compliance obligations (which do still need to be considered) have been set based on the needs and expectations of these interested parties. There are now specific requirements for the objectives to be monitored, communicated and updated as appropriate.
The requirements remain the same, but are further elaborated in the new version.
The term ‘programme’ is no longer used and the standard talks about planning how to achieve environmental objectives instead. This planning now needs to include details on what resources will be required and how the results will be achieved.



The old requirements regarding resource provision remain, but the new version emphasizes resource provision by dividing it into a separate clause
No significant change
The requirements are the same, only further outlined by division into separate clauses. The organization must determine needs for training regarding environmental aspects and EMS.
Documented information as evidence of competence
Persons now need to be competent if they can affect the organization’s environmental performance, rather than if they have the potential to cause a significant environmental impact.
The need for training has been expanded into a wider need for taking actions to acquire necessary competences, which can also include mentoring, re-assignment or hiring / contracting activities.
The requirements are the same, only further outlined by division into separate clauses. The organization must determine needs for training regarding environmental aspects and EMS.
This section has been rewritten; however the requirements are largely the same.


The requirements are the same, only divided into separate clauses. The new version of the standard shows the internal and external communication as equally important.
Documented information as evidence of communication
Requirements are now more prescriptive as to what the process for communications (internal and external) shall be. New requirements include the need to ensure that it is planned what, when, how and with who communications are made, and that the communications take into account compliance obligations, are consistent with the EMS and are reliable. Communications on the EMS must be responded to.
The requirements are the same, only divided into separate clauses. The new version of the standard shows the internal and external communication as equally important.
The communications process must enable persons working on the organization’s behalf to contribute to continual improvement.
The requirements are the same, only divided into separate clauses. The new version of the standard shows the internal and external communication as equally important.
The previous requirement on deciding whether to communicate externally about significant environmental aspects is no longer specific referenced, as this is covered in the overall communications process detailed in 7.4.1.
Documents and records now belong to the same category - documented information. The requirements of both versions are equivalent
The terms ‘documents’ and ‘records’ have been replaced by the term ‘documented information’.
Documents and records now belong to the same category - documented information. The requirements of both versions are equivalent
Documented information required by this International
 Standard as well as documented information,
 determined by the organization, as being required for
 the effectiveness of the environmental management
The terms ‘documents’ and ‘records’ have been replaced by the term ‘documented information’.
4.4.5, 4.5.4
Documents and records now belong to the same category - documented information. The requirements of both versions are equivalent
Specific reference is now made to the need for ensuring appropriate format and media.
4.4.5, 4.5.4
Documents and records now belong to the same category - documented information. The requirements of both versions are equivalent
Documented information of external origin determined
 by the organization to be necessary.
Controls now need to ensure that documented information is adequately protected. The document control activities to be addressed by the system are specified

The new version takes into account a few additional elements: control
of outsourced processes, change management and the life cycle during purchasing, and design and development.
Documented information to the extent necessary to
 have confidence that the processes have been carried
 out as planned.
Specific reference is now made to the planning of operations, as well as their control. Controls for processes should now be implemented to prevent deviation from compliance obligations, as well as from the policy and objectives.
There are requirements for the control of planned changes and the review of unintended changes. It is now specified that outsourced processes are controlled or influenced. There are now requirements for determining procurement activities and considering requirements in design activities, taking into account a life cycle perspective.
The requirements are almost the same, but are further elaborated in
the new version.
There is now a specific requirement to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations and accidents.
The review and revision of the procedure should now also take place in particular after tests.






The new clause sublimates all requirements for monitoring and measurement related to significant environmental aspects, compliance obligations, operational controls, objectives, etc.
Greater detail on requirements for monitoring and measurement activities is specified. There is a specific requirement for the evaluation of performance and the use of indicators.
The new clause sublimates all requirements for monitoring and measurement related to significant environmental aspects, compliance
obligations, operational controls, objectives, etc.
Evidence of monitoring, measurement, analysis and
 evaluation results.
Greater detail on requirements for monitoring and measurement activities is specified. There is a specific requirement for the evaluation of performance and the use of indicators.
The requirements are the same
Evidence of compliance evaluation results

The requirements are equivalent. The main difference is that the new
standard does not require a documented procedure.
Evidence of the implementation of the audit
 programme(s) and the audit results



The requirements are equivalent. The output of management review must include opportunities to improve integration of the EMS with other business processes
Documented information as evidence of the results of
 the management reviews
Changes in risk associated with threats and opportunities need to be considered during the management review process.
The consideration of the organization’s environmental performance now needs to include trends in nonconformities and corrective actions, monitoring and measurement results, conformity with compliance obligations and audit results. Review is required of opportunities for continual improvement, rather than recommendations for improvement. The outputs of the management review shall include any implications for the organization’s strategic direction.


The organization must determine the opportunities for improvement
Information of the nature of the nonconformities and
 any subsequent actions taken, and the results of any
 corrective action.
The specific requirement for preventive action has been removed – the entire management system should be a tool for preventive action.
Actions to prevent recurrence of nonconformities shall specifically include a determination of whether similar nonconformities exist or could potentially occur.
The requirements are equivalent.
The EMS needs to be continually improved in order to enhance environmental performance.

The new standard points out the need to use all available information
for continually improving the EMS.
