Hand Safety

Hand Safety: being careful is our responsibility!

“ALL hand injuries are preventable.”

Concerned people:
·         Lab technicians
·         Machine operators
·         Office workers
·         Any kind of workers who use their hands

Hands are most important because of their utility.

Hands = tools

The key to hand injury prevention is you!

Handy Tips for SAFE HANDS

1. Glassware/Metal parts
When handling/using glassware or metal parts:
·         Inspect the component for cracks and sharp edges.
·         Wear appropriate gloves.
·         Do not apply too much force on the glass.
·         Check the glass is not damaged before using it.
·         In a test process, stop the test if something is wrong such as raising temperatures.

2. Machine/Moving equipment
·         Do not intervene on moving equipment.
·         Do not place your hands nearby pitching points.
·         During maintenance, use lockout device and safety blocks.

3. Knife
·         Replace retractable knives with safety knives (protective blade).
·         If using a retractable knife, position your hands on each side of the cutting line.
·         At workplace, don’t use your own knife to open/cut anything.

Preventing measures

Hand protection: GLOVES should be worn when handling:
- Hazardous materials
- Toxic chemicals
- Corrosive materials
- Materials with sharp or rough edges
- Very hot or very cold materials

Types of gloves:
- Kevlar gloves: protect against cut
- Nitrile gloves: protect from chemicals or solvents
- Heat resistant gloves: protection against hot /cold objects or when using ovens or autoclaves
- Latex gloves: protect from biohazards (infection risks)

Use safety knives and other equipment WITH GUARDS since gloves do no protect from
