
Showing posts from January, 2019

Operation modes of Alternator or generator – Grid mode & Island mode

An alternator or generator generates power might be used to supply either two purpose. The first is to supply power directly to the load or to consumer. The second one is to supply power to the grid. As example in case of power plant or power station several alternator supplies power to the grid, there is no direct consumer. Operation modes of Alternator When the alternator supplies power to the load or consumer directly, the criteria of the load affects the alternator. We cannot control the load (KW or MW) and power factor but the terminal voltage and frequency can be controlled. This is called ISLAND mode.

How to control power factor output of an Alternator in Power Plant

We can control power factor in a power plant easily. In a power plant the alternator set is supplying power to the grid independent of load. Thus in this case there is no load connected to make the power factor lagging or leading, we are left to control the power factor. Modern power plant control system has automatic system of changing the power factor by just a command. But how this happens internally is fact to think about.

Basic of Power Plant Automation System

Power plant Automation system is the complete solution of safe and efficient operation. In a power plant there are lots of complex system required to work and more complication is that this system are inter related. Not only interrelated, they are required to follow exact time sequence in operation. Say in a heavy oil power plant- the engine run by HFO, at the same time there are at least dozens of direct process need to smoothly operate. The recognized facts & parameters are – pressure of fuel supply, temperature of fuel, engine cylinder temperature, engine lube oil temperature & pressure, cooling water temperature in different location, engine speed etc. For the safe and optimal operations these facts are controlled by automation. These are categorize as per their importance and risk level. Say in Diesel engine based power plant the most severe risk factors are -over speed, engine jacket water high temperature & low lube oil pressure to engine.

Documented information - ISO 14001:2015

The requirements for documented information are spread throughout the standard. However, in summary they are: 4. 3             Scop e o f th e EMS 5. 2             Policy 6.1. 1          Genera l documente d proces s t o mee t requirement s of 6. 1 - Informatio n t o th e exten t necessar y t o have confidenc e tha t th e processe s hav e bee n carrie d ou t as planned. 6.1. 2          Nee d t o hav e documente d informatio n on: •   criteri a use d t o determin e it s significant environmenta l aspects; •   environmenta l aspect s an d associate d environmental impacts; •   significan t environmenta l aspects. 6.1. 3          Documente d informatio n o f complianc e obligations 6.1. 4  ...

Comparing the latest version of ISO 14001 with ISO 14001:2004

ISO 14001:2015 will be based on Annex SL – the new high level structure (HLS) that brings a common framework to all management systems. This helps to keep consistency, align different management system standards, offer matching sub-clauses against the top-level structure and apply common language across all standards. With the new standard in place, organizations will find it easier to incorporate their environmental management system into the core business processes and get more involvement from senior management. Based on Annex SL, Fig. 1 shows how the clauses of the new high level structure could also be applied the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The PDCA cycle can be applied to all processes and to the environmental management system as a whole.    

Why adopt an Environmental Management System standard?

No organization today can afford to risk it’s reputation by ignoring their Environmental responsibility With ISO 14001 Environmental Management the organization can;   • Consistently meet the environmental responsibilities overtime   • Differentiate the company and win more business   • Improve company performance through resource savings

Moving from ISO 14001:2004 to ISO 14001:2015 - The new international standard for environmental management systems

Successful businesses understand that it is the present that underwrites the future. Engaging with the commercial aspects of environmental issues is about the totality of ‘now’; not just managing your organization’s impacts, but taking action today that manages those impacts that will directly affect your organization and your markets. That’s why organizations need continual, robust and wide ranging environmental management.

Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004

Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004 Clauses 14001:2015 Corresponding Clause What’s new? (Give some examples) Documented Information Required Impact on auditing 14001:2004 4 4.1 This is a completely new requirement; the organization will need to determine the external and internal context that affects the organization. No This new concept relates to the factors and conditions affecting organizational operation e.g. regulation, governance and environmental conditions. 4.2 Interested parties are introduced in the new version of the standard. The previous version was focused on the organization. No Environmental conditions are the elements of the environment which can be affected by the organization (air quality, water quality, land use, ...